Monday, July 5, 2021


Hi there! The name’s Mira and I just turned 21 today, Alhamdulillah. Can you imagine? I am twenty-one years old now. Honestly, it felt like it was just a week ago that I attended my first religious school class, and now I am in my final year pursuing an International Business degree. I used to be THAT kid who would cry at the school’s gate because I wanted to be with my parents, and honestly, I think if we were to go back in time, I would do that time and time again, 100%.

Growing up, I would always think how life would be now, if they have made schools interesting – not interesting the way, you know, teachers will not give you homework kind of interesting, but like an experience that makes you want to learn the things that you are learning, an experience that keeps you motivated to learn more and lets you discover what it means to you. I don’t know about you guys, but my memories of my religious school were not particularly good because the first thing that pops to mind is the time where I got scolded by my teacher for the things that I couldn’t even control then and now. It was constantly demotivating to be in a place where my teachers could not accept me. I wish no such thing to happen to anybody else as it was honestly just sad to think about, even now.

With understanding parents like Umi Irah, the founder of iLuvQuran, we now have schools that optimizes on the learning-based experience; catering more to piquing an interest, nurturing motivation, and personal values to your child’s education. iLuvQuran creates a passionate environment for students to embrace by targeting four key values:

1.     Each message is taught in a loving manner where patience and acceptance are at its core.

2.    Creativity is key in catering to different personalities since everyone finds personal connections with religion in their own respects.

3.     A fun atmosphere where enjoyment can be correlated to learning.

4.     Engaging activities to retain attention and interest.

These four values are persistent within iLuvQuran's methods with the goal of nurturing critical learning where students can choose their own connection and love with the Qur'an and Islam.

If you are interested but you’re not sure if we are the right pick for you, feel free to register your kid for a free trial class with us at any day and time preferred by you! More information is on our website at!

With that, I hope for a future where children can find religious learning to be a safe and secure place for them, to be personally connected with the religion and not judged upon. That’s all for my first post, and I hope to catch you again soon!

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