Thursday, August 5, 2021


Hey guys! It's been a day since my last post and I kind of miss writing somewhat a personal yet meaningful post. Today, my advice to all of my readers is to appreciate the gravity that time is scarce, and we should spend our time on a lot of things that matters to us thoughtfully.

Today, my mum and my youngest brother aged a year older. It feels like it has only been only a year or two when I made these cute cards with my friends from school for my baby brother when he was conceived. He’s 13 years old now and my mum is 54. Soon, my younger brother will be finishing Secondary school, my mum would be retiring, and I'd be a university graduate. For all of us, time flies quickly. Sometimes rushing past us, as we enter different stages of our lives and sometimes, we are not ready to progress with ourselves and our loved ones.

I feel like this is one of those times where I'd quote the entire globe when they say, "Time is money." However, I believe this is an excellent opportunity to emphasise an Islamic viewpoint in which Allah declares in the Quran, in Surah Al-Asr, in three verses establishing a comprehensive framework for human life. For every sincere believer understands that life on earth is fleeting and that the ultimate fulfilment consists in pleasing our God and conducting our lives in accordance with His Commandments.

The important truth that this surah maintains is that throughout human history, there has been only one desirable and trustworthy route - the one that the surah identifies and explains. All other routes would only lead to failure and disaster. In short, the path begins with the acceptance of faith, followed by good actions and exhortation to pursue the truth and to constancy. Allah swears by time, all human beings are in loss, except those who have Imaan, those who do righteous deeds and remind others of Haqq and Sabr.

So, I'm here to remind you that we should always appreciate our time that we have with our loved ones and our personal relationship with the Deen. Our time with our parents and close relatives is scarce and we should appreciate the memories we have made and the ones we still can while they are still with us. Lastly, our connection with our own personal faith should be patient and sincere, we should accept and embrace the fact that one day, we will all return to our Lord and our connection with him is what matters most with the time he has given us. I think that’d be all for today, see you on the next post!


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