Thursday, September 30, 2021


competition; the activity or condition of striving to gain or win something by defeating or establishing superiority over others. we see it everywhere. in sports, in jobs, in social medias, in schools and even in nature itself. the urge to compete and be the best, literally lies in us. to be honest, I don’t think it’s a bad thing. competition can be a good motivator as it pushes us to strive for the better, it forms us but sometimes, it could also break us.

because the truth is that there will always be someone who is better at something than us. we can’t run from this truth, nor can we hide from it or fight against it. the only thing we could do is to accept it. however, it would be sad if it ends there, right?

that’s why there would always be that someone who you will always compete with, and this should be the person you were yesterday. because although you can’t always be the best in everything, you can always try to be the best version of yourself.

i feel like the same could be applied for my relationship with Islam; not the competition, but the idea that i am always given the chance to be a better Muslimah, day by day. although sometimes, the track records wouldn't always be clean. sometimes, i feel like i've failed myself as a Muslim. however, it is refreshing to know that Allah is the most forgiving, al-Ghaffur. everyday, the person i would want to compete with is myself, what about you?

at iLuvQuran, we aim to cultivate an environment where it promotes healthy competition. a healthy competition, in a broad sense, is the interaction between individuals that supports and stimulates striving for better achievements while also creating an environment in which everyone in the group wants that everyone does well rather than wishing that others fail. we encourage our kids to be nice to their peers as it is instructed upon us in the Quran and several Hadiths where a good Muslim should adopt a morally upright character. the most highlighted moral attributes in the Quran are compassion towards others and generosity to the impoverished and needy.

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