When we started iLuvQuran, our goal was to make Quranic learning different. Something that children would look forward to, something exciting, adventurous, fun. Today, we made an experiment with our seedlings relating it back to a Surah from the Quran; Al-Falaq.
If you didn't already know, the word "Al-Falaq" is understood in two different ways - Allah alone controls the transition of night and day, as well as the symbolic meaning of light of daytime, which represents goodness and truth.
From the experiment, children can learn that light is separated from darkness. Likewise, goodness and evil do not mix. Therefore, we must always ask Allah to keep us on the path of goodness and to protect us from harm.
If you like what you're seeing, feel free to find out more about us on our website!
P/S: We're still taking in admissions for class of 2021/2022!
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