Right after we finished our training session and were about to have lunch together, suddenly the doorbell rang.
It was one of our students' mother.. A law lecturer at one of the nearby universities, she had three children in our weekday afternoons #JuniorAlHafiz class. Alhamdulillah.
She was always very nice, thoughtful, polite and with good akhlaq mashaAllah. It is no wonder that her eldest daughter received iLuvQuran's best student for Junior Al Hafiz class in 2014. The best student overall in terms of Quran, akhlaq, creativity and understanding. When you see the kindness and soft akhlaq of her mother, you will understand why her daughter is such a wonderful girl. SubhanAllah.
When other children eat and leave their crumbs behind, this responsible girl will get a cloth and wipe the crumbs away. SubhanAllah, tabarakAllah. May Allah give us the good akhlaq to inspire and guide our children.
She came by that afternoon to deliver a cake, muffins, crackers just for teacher's day. SubhanAllah. It wasn't publicized to our students that we would have a small appreciation for our ustaz and ustazah, but somehow she had asked our ustaz when would we celebrate teachers day and she came, taking time out during her lunch hour to deliver some treats for the team of ustaz and ustazah. May Allah bless you dear sister.
When she came to pick up her children later today, we thanked her again for her thoughful gift. She mentioned.. "No, really, we cannot thank you enough for opening this school (alhamdulillah). We are so happy and thankful for the ustaz and ustazah here.. We have benefited so much from the school (alhamdulillah)."
"They (the children) get extra Islamic knowledge here, they learn Quran,"
"My children, my eldest girl especially, have all alhamdulillah improved so much. Even in their normal school subjects, alhamdulillah I can see she has improved a lot after joining iLuvQuran.. When I compare her results the year before iLuvQuran and after (subhanAllah, alhamdulillah)."
"And my son (last year he was 7 yrs old, in standard 1), last year for his exams he scored all A's"
"And my youngest girl, she will always ask me to recite Quran with her every night without fail. Even when I forget, she will remind me."
SubhanAllah. Walhamdulillah. Allah blesses His obedient servants with bounties of whatever He wills.
Jazakumullahu khairan katheera.. May Allah continue to bless you with children who have akhlaqul kareemah, and are successful in dunia and akhirah. And may Allah grant the same to us other souls as well...
#funtahfiz #creativetahfiz #iluvquran #akhlaqulQuran #internalizeQuran #memorizeQuran #feedback #leadbyexample #positiveparenting
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