On this morning's weekly meeting we are discussing our students' progress. Alhamdulillah, varied hafazan levels- for the Mon- Fri Quranic Generation class- some students are memorizing half page a day, some two to three lines a day and some a line a day depending on the students' capabilities and the complexity of the verse.
For the Quranic Seedling classes, some students have finished memorizing their first and second surahs.. Some are still working diligently on their memorization :). But alhamdulillah we are very happy that the ustaz and ustazahs mentioned that most of the students are very excited and happy to spend time with Quran and memorize. We believe that is the best news- the positive perception that our children have on the Quran- so that they grow up with their hearts always close to the Quran. Alhamdulillah, mashaAllah.
Another amazing story shared was on the behavioral improvements seen in one of the students. Alhamdulillah. During the first week of class, he was seen as a but aggressive and had hit some of his friends. Alhamdulillah after almost a month at iLuvQuran, he is no longer as aggressive and even his teachers at his day school shared with us their amazement at his positive change. Alhamdulillah.
Perhaps it's the daily Quran infused into their hearts, perhaps it's the loving ustaz/ahs, perhaps it's the positive peer environment.. But one thing for sure is Allah has been full of Rahmah to us and the students, giving much of the Quranic values and messages to our students. Alhamdulillah.
Ustaz Zaid updating the Dream Team on his students' hafazan progress.
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