Bismillahi Rahmani Rahim
By the Grace and Help of Allah, in whose hands holds all wisdom and knowledge, the One whom we bow to in submission and devotion.
Alhamdulillah, it is only with His Will that iLuvQuran has come into being. The Quranic center has two shareholders, a husband and wife team hoping to work together in this world and the next.
They are Faiz and Zahirah. Both have a dream to memorize the Qur’an while understanding its meanings and implementing what they have learnt (amin!). They have two children together, which they pray will also memorize, understand and live with the Qur’an emanating from their hearts. And this is what drove them to start iLuvQuran, their own dreams to memorize and understand the Quran as well as help others achieve this goal.
Both graduated from American top universities and found themselves wanting to be closer to Quran while they were studying there and learning from various visionary Muslim scholars like Sheikh Dr. Mokhtar Maghraoui (the Imam where Zahirah studied), Sheikh Muhammad AlShareef (the founder of Al Maghrib Institute and the Visionaire program), Sheikh Hamza Yusuf (founder of Zaytuna Institute), Dr. Tariq Ramadhan, Ustaz Suhaib Webb, Imam Djafer Sebkhaoui, Sister Amina Assilmi may Allah have mercy on her, and many other scholars who were both knowledgable and spiritually strong, alhamdulillah.
Faiz graduated with a degree in Electrical Engineering from Purdue University and Zahirah from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute New York with a BSc. in Communication. After working in the corporate world for more than nine years, and returning from Ireland after Zahirah completed an MBA in University College Dublin, the couple feel that it’s a good time to give back to society and realize their dreams while helping other children and professionals realize their dreams too.
Both are active in Islamic NGOs, particularly IKRAM. Faiz has experience in the instrument engineering area as well as currently working as an internal consultant in the company. The field he is focusing on is reliability and integrity of the technical equipment in the company. He has given numerous career and motivational talks to students since his student days, alhamdulillah.
Zahirah on the other hand has concentrated her working career on human resource management including areas of recruitment, development, staff welfare, employee and industrial relations. She has also worked with the company’s sponsored students and is passionate in developing them through different engagements, leadership programs and personal counseling sessions. Her personal area of interest is organizational behavior focused on leadership and its role in bringing positive change in the company where she has had a number of years of experience in the field while working in Bintulu, Sarawak.
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